Tremarctos ornatu - molar


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Fossil Species : Tremarctos ornatu (Spectacled bear Molar)
Location : North-Florida, USA
Geological Age : Pleistoceen

Length : 25 mm
Width : 14 mm
Hight : 13 mm

Tremarctos ornatu (molar) - USA

This molar belongs to a Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatu) and dates from the Pleistocene of Florida. Spectacled bears are a type of bear that still occurs in parts of South America today. Compared to other bear species, they are medium-sized bears that occur in a variety of different habitats. They are omnivores and eat whatever is available at the time. Despite this, the food mainly consists of about 300 different plant species.

Let Op! Recente tanden van Brilberen mogen niet verhandeld worden en vallen onder de Cites wetgeving. Dit is echter een fossiele kies en fossielen mogen wel verkocht/gekocht worden.
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